
Hail and well-met!  My name is Sean, also known as MEDM in the realm of RPG Club and other storytelling spaces. I’ve been a game master since before there were multiple flavors of Doritos, and I’ve been running online games since 2020. With over 30 years of experience as a stage-performer, I stand ready to give you the very best gaming and immersive story experience you’ll find anywhere.

I became hooked on TTRPGs after my first session of AD&D, and have been a “forever DM” ever since. As I grew to understand how powerful role-playing games could be, my style evolved away from simple dice-rolling and more towards a shared story-telling experience. As an adult, I’ve seen first-hand how incredible TTRPGs can be for children, but I strongly believe they also fulfill a vital role in adult society by providing a chance for us to return to the world of make-believe.

My first, second, and third loves will always be Dungeons & Dragons, but I’m well-aware of how many other amazing TTRPGs there are in the world and I often borrow rules, monsters, and tropes from these when  crafting my games. I usually run published modules, but I expand and enhance these with a lot of homebrewed material. Currently, I am only offering D&D 5th edition sessions.

I’m always working to connect with players, helping them breathe life into their characters, and coaxing out their deepest fears, aspirations, and quirks. With my guidance, every character becomes a unique and compelling part of the story. I especially enjoy populating my worlds with vibrant NPCs that players grow to both love and despise!

All of my players have access to my complete library of digital resources on D&D Beyond. Roll20 is my virtual table-top of choice, and we communicate via Zoom (although having your camera turned on is not required). On Roll20, I make sure that my players are able to manipulate their own tokens and spell-templates, as I feel that sort of agency is vital for an immersive experience.

If you’d like to see some examples of my games, I’ve posted several clips on my IG and YouTube accounts, which you can access above.

When I’m not lost in the fantastical realms of tabletop RPGs, you can find me working on my award-winning actual play podcast: Echoes of Krynn. You can find it on any podcasting app and also here: https://www.echoesofkrynn.com/.

Thank you so much for your interest, and I hope to meet you soon in the world of fantasy!

Your table awaits…

Sean's Upcoming Games

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus – Sunday Burn

$30.00 / week

GM Playstyle

1 of 6 seats available
Next session:

Game Attributes

HorrorSword & Sorcery


Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed


Roll20 VTTZoom
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus – Hope Springs Infernal

$30.00 / week

GM Playstyle

All seats are full.
Next session:

Game Attributes

Dark FantasySword & Sorcery


Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed


Roll20 VTTZoom
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Curse of Strahd: Sanguine Song

$30.00 / week

GM Playstyle

All seats are full.
Next session:

Game Attributes

Dark FantasyHorror


Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed


Roll20 VTTZoom


Rated 5.0 out of 5
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 14 reviews)
Very good0%

100% Pure Gold.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 19, 2023

Just when you think the campaign and DnD’ing with Sean cannot get better… he surprises you. All the boxes get ticked: Great story telling, great characters, amazing voices and scene setting, all the effort into the visuals and audio, pairing with great team mates and the occasional visit from a magical cat.

And that’s just the beginning. The space for character development is astounding, you want roleplay.. you got it. You want combat, here is a dragon. You like puzzles… figure out this complex number system or play a game of wordcraft, you want love.. here is a cute blacksmith. And then he remembers things you or your characters mention. You’ll hear stories of the great deeds of previous characters. A joke from weeks before comes in to play. Friends are made and kept after campaigns.

If you have not played a game or Campaign with Sean.. you really should. It is one of the my favourite times of the week and so much fun.


Great DM

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 7, 2023

The first game I signed up for with Sean as listed as 11 am on Saturday. I did not notice that it as 11 am eastern time. I live on the west coast (of the US), so that 11 am time is 8 am on Saturday. I went into the first session looking for an excuse to bail on an 8 am Saturday start time. Two years later, I’m still playing at 8 am on Saturday mornings and have signed up for a second game with Sean.

Sean has a good understanding of the rules of D&D and is very patient with new players. He is a great story teller and has a wide variety of voices he can use to voice npcs. I am definitely enjoying both games I’m participating in with Sean.

Jeff B. (verified owner)

Amazing GM

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 7, 2023

Sean has been an exceptional GM for Tundra Struck. He is a professional in all aspects of running the game, and his talents, skills, and voices are truly impressive. It’s been absolutely amazing and fun every game and has been a thrilling experience from the start.

I’m still very new to Dungeons and Dragons and Sean worked with me during the session zero to prepare my character sheet and Roll20 with ease. I love his style and continue to be blown away by his ability to enhance the story and immerse the group so effectively into the game. I highly recommend Sean as an amazing GM for any campaign out there!

Von (verified owner)

Professional Magic

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 6, 2023

I have had the distinct pleasure of being in one of Sean’s games and it has been a fantastic experience. I have been in the same campaign (from lvl 1) for 3 years going strong, and its due to Sean’s dedication and mastery of story-telling, technical savvy, and proficiency with the rule system. Any module is lovingly personalized to the given party, and any homebrew material is full of heart.

Sean’s game are in high demand and tend to form strong bonds that helps the campaign endure. Don’t hesitate, and sign up while there’s time!

Jeremy Kelly

Engaging & Fun!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 6, 2023

So been playing with Sean for over a year and I have to say it has been money well spent. I really enjoy his DM style and the fact that he cleverly incorporates each player characters back story into the games. I would say his games are a good balance of combat and roleplay, I enjoy the fact that there are consequences for our characters actions be it for good or evil, there is a cost and the price will be paid (sooner or later). Sean games are engaging, and he has some creative voice work that really create atmosphere and he’s a great storyteller. I highly recommend Sean as a DM for both beginners and experienced players!

Warren Peace

Professional & Fun

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 5, 2023

Been playing with Sean for about a month a half-now and I can say it’s been an awesome ride.

As the title says, he feels professional. From the tools, to the characters, to the story progression.

He has an actor background I believe, and you can really feel that experience coming over in the acting for the characters, the voice acting, the quick minded retorts and improvisation he will throw at your witty ideas.

It’s been a lot of fun, and you can tell he’s having fun as well.

I started out joining the current campaign directly into a shopping session. An hilariously fun shopping session at that. Something I never expected to ever say.

Since then we’ve been having mixed sessions of role play and combat, lore and more lore and cool characters woven into the story, to hinder or help you.

It feels like is also playing with you. Which he actually is (sometimes?) – Looking at you Archibald! And that’s also great.

At the time of writing this review – we just had the most epic battle moment I’ve had as a DnD so far. Take that with a pinch of salt – as I’m a relatively new player… but picture this:

Giant Croc surprise attacks the party, tries to eat the barbarian and drags him down this huge swamp where no-one can see him. Barb is almost dying – the situation is dire! A member of the party throws a bag of magic dust into the swamp, rolls a 2 on dex, making that a bag with AC 21 to hit. The Ranger then proceeds to roll an exact 21 to hit the bag that explodes dust all over the swamp, and drains the entire swamp of water, leaving the Croc with no water advantage and perfectly visible and the Barb within range of the parties assistance. Can you imagine how everyone screamed in exhilaration when that arrow blew the bag? Yeah, it was nothing short of amazing.

So I hoped this review helps you out if you’re looking at any of Shawn’s games!



Z (verified owner)

Excellence Incarnate

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 4, 2023

Sean, MEDM, has been the greatest DM I have played with in my time being a part of Dungeons and Dragons. Having played for years, and completed an adventure with him, Sean is my go-to DM for any of my particular needs and high expectations. Accommodating, welcoming, and always happy to play D&D, Sean embodies the concept of enjoyable gameplay. Handpicked music, customized maps, fantastic voices, and more, Sean will give you everything you’re looking for in D&D and more.

Riko Miyoko

Thrilling and Tense Action, Exquisite Roleplay

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 2, 2023

Sean has an excellent sense of balance in his preparation where encounters are tense and exciting, but not so difficult that players are punished for trying unique strategies. Reasonably flexible with the rules but still has a great respect for them, which helps keeps the gameplay cohesive as well. I have never felt like we’ve reached a point where I’ve felt like we have to throw our hands in the air and go “I don’t know what we’re supposed to do,” no matter how bad the situations might be.

From a roleplay perspective, Sean excels at both the presentation of the game and in his improvisational skills. Sean rarely seems unprepared for a question or an idea the player has and manages to give every character a fantastic sense of person. Sean also does an exceptional job of spotlighting the player characters both in roleplay and in encounters, and is maybe the only DM I would have tolerated two back-to-back shopping episodes with. Highly recommend for anyone who wants a spectacle for their campaign.

Emm (verified owner)

It Doesn't Get Better

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 2, 2023

Immersive worlds, believable characters, story centered around the party. It is impossible to improve upon Sean as a DM. He is an actor that brings all of his talents to the game. That alone isn’t enough. A single character does not make a game. Add to that immersive worlds that center around the players and you have an experience that cannot be beat. Whether you are a new player or have been adventuring for years, you will LOVE every moment!



Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 1, 2023

Sean is a wonderful GM that brings epic immersion into every session. The voices, music and overall energy truly brings you into the world. He makes every player and every character feel important. It’s a great experience being a part of his games!

Alexander (verified owner)

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